Add new disk in FreeBSD and enable compression zfs.



In this article I will describe how to mount an extra disk for storing files in a FreeBSD operating system with the ZFS file system with data compression enabled. So, after physically mounting the disk, we will first need to create a ZFS partition. To do this we will use gpart.


We will look at the existing partition:


gpart show ada1


If the partition exists you need to delete it:


gpart destroy -F ada1


and create a new partition table:


gpart create -s gpt /dev/ada1


If you need an extra swap partition, create one too:


gpart add -t freebsd-swap -s 2G /dev/ada1


Next we create the file partition itself:


gpart add -t freebsd-zfs /dev/ada1


Check what happened:


gpart show ada1


If everything is correct, create a new filesystem:


newfs -U /dev/ada1p1


To create a ZFS pool, do the following:


zpool create -f files /dev/ada1p1


zfs create files/files




You can either just enable the default compression=on, or use a compression level between 1 and 9 if you will be using gzip, or you can use lz4 or zstd compression=lz4 and so on.


zfs set compression=gzip-9 files/files




If you want to move the whole home directory:


cp -rp /home/* /storage/home

rm -rf /home /usr/home

ln -s /storage/home /home

ln -s /storage/home /usr/home


View information about the disk, whether compression is enabled, compression level and size:


zfs get used,compressratio,compression,logicalused files/files

du -sh files/files

zfs list files/files

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